Future Institute of Australia case study with client
The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) went to tender seeking professional services from a creative instructional design and e-Learning solutions development team to deliver a set of engaging and interactive learning modules for the SmartMove online program at https://smartmove.safetyline.wa.gov.au/
SmartMove is a work, health and safety (WHS) online program for senior high school students and new young workers entering the workforce on a work placement, work experience, or as a school-based trainee and apprentice. The majority of the SmartMove users are aged between 16 and 25 years.
The SmartMove Program is mapped to BSBWHS201 Contribute to the Health and Safety of self and others, from the national register on vocational education and training in Australia. The program consists of one general module and 16 industry modules (with an alternative module – for learning impaired students instead of the additional industry modules). Users receive a completion certificate after completing the general module and one of the industry modules. The completion certificate is often used as part of their school assessments or/and evidence of gaining WHS knowledge prior to entering the workforce.
SmartMove is widely used by many senior high schools and registered training organisations (RTOs) in Western Australia and other jurisdictions.
Part of the DMIRS tender was to improve the program as it had become outdated, requiring a functionality review and redesign to improve engagement, effectiveness, and compatibility with current technology in line with modern end-user expectations and DMIRS ICT standards.
Required Solution
The SmartMove Team requested the design and development of new interactive and engaging modules using latest technology and learning techniques with target audience (16-25 years) as the focus. The solution required engaging e-Learning methods such as gamification, visual simulation to engage a wider range of senses and stimuli to ensure content will be more user-focused and raise the level of comprehension and information retention.
Furthermore, introducing SCORM 2004 compliant modules will enable interactivity and extra functionality for users and additional capabilities for the administrators which will improve service and the overall learning experience.
SmartMove also pointed out that the Certificate (they receive on completion) will likely be the users’ first exposure to online learning, and therefore, should be modelled on the latest industry standards and prepare them for similar online professional development and compliance training that exists in modern workplaces.
Future Institute Solution
Future Institute was successful in winning this tender which commenced in January 2020 and concluded in July 2021. As well as a complete re-build of the eLearning there was also an animation requirement of the tender. To respond to this Future Institute created the below robot SAMM by demonstrating its capability, including the level of engagement, movement and involvement of the SAMM character throughout each of the learning modules.

This project was intensively collaborative and involved several subject matter experts from the SmartMove Team. The Future Institute Team was made up of Animators, Curriculum and eLearning Developers and VET specialists. This group met monthly for the duration of the project to design, develop, review and implement the modules progressively.
To ensure the project met all its deadlines a comprehensive plan was implemented to meet the requirements of the SmartMove project.
Future Institute 5 Stage eLearning Development Model was used as the basis of this plan. This approach was adapted to the needs of the project and was reinforced by the following:
- Comprehensive Project Plan
- Evaluation and Quality Assurance Plan
- Risk Management Plan
Once each draft module was created, they were then extensively tested with the intended audience using Alpha and Beta Testing. This enabled essential feedback for each module prior to finalising each SCORM file.

The project is now fully completed and being delivered to students across Western Australia. The Hon Stephen Dawson MLC Minister for Health, Aboriginal Affairs; Industrial Relations made the below announcement about the program’s launch, which will see 30,000 students per year complete the program.
“I encourage teachers to introduce students to the new SmartMove site, especially those who will soon be embarking on work experience,” Minister Dawson said.
Hon Stephen Dawson Press Release of SmartMove Launch
This article was also released by Public Spectrum on behalf of the Western Australian Government. SmartMove Public Spectrum Article